Community Update – November 2022

North Queensland Super Hub, Lidar and Sodar, bird utilisation surveys.

June 5, 2023

North Queensland Super Hub

This month, Windlab and strategic partner Fortescue Future Industries announced plans to develop the North Queensland Super Hub.

The North Queensland Super Hub is a transformational renewable energy facility that could generate more than 10GW of wind and solar power and underpin the industrial-scale production of green hydrogen from purpose-built facilities within Queensland.

We are excited to announce that Prairie will be the very first project developed as part of Stage 1 of the North Queensland Super Hub. Stage 1 also includes a new project called Wongalee, located to the north of the Prairie Wind Farm site.

The North Queensland Super Hub builds on Windlab’s 10-year regional presence developing and delivering and operating the Kennedy Energy Park. Windlab’s track record in the Flinders Shire includes investing more than $20 million into the regional economy through supply and contract opportunities for Kennedy Energy Park, as well as providing local jobs.

Importantly, the Windlab representatives with whom the Flinders Shire community has built relationships and critical partnerships over the years will not change. Windlab will continue to be the key point of contact for community in the months and years ahead as the North Queensland Super Hub is developed and delivered.

More information

Windlab has established a North Queensland Super Hub online community information portal. To receive email updates about the project please contact

A Windlab engineer installs a Lidar unit on Wongalee

Lidar and Sodar

Windlab engineers were on site installing three Lidars across the Prairie and Wongalee project areas in November. The Lidars will stay in location for 12 months recording wind profiles, including wind speed and direction, before being relocated within the project areas.

Sodars have been operating on the Prairie Wind Farm area for the last three years and the data collected from the Lidars will enable more precise recording of the weather conditions.

Lidars are mounted on custom-made trailers for ease of transport and relocation and are powered by a large solar panel on the top of the unit. Temporary fencing is erected around the unit to protect the Lidar units from curious cattle.

Ecologists undertaking bird surveys

Bird utilisation surveys

In September a team of ecologists were on site at Prairie and Wongalee conducting targeted bird surveys in the areas surrounding proposed turbine locations. These surveys help Windlab understand the species present within the project area, their behaviour and flight patterns. These surveys will ensure our environmental management plans for the Prairie Wind Farm and Wongalee Project are informed by robust scientific studies.

Bird surveys are undertaken in different locations at different times of the day, including early morning, late morning, early afternoon and late afternoon. Bird utilisation surveys are initially completed every three months for a period of two years and will then continue throughout the life of the project to ensure environmental values are protected.