Topographical surveys, Windlab in Hughenden, and Sponsorship.
June 5, 2023
Topographical surveys were completed for the Prairie and Wongalee Wind Farm sites in late 2022. These surveys captured detailed elevation models and digital canopy models to allow for precise engineering design of the proposed site layouts.
The surveys were completed in a light plane using LiDAR (light detection ranging) with the data confirmed by a series of ground verification surveys. The survey took several days to complete as the LiDAR requires a clear line of site to the ground and hazy weather, clouds, wind and rain can impact this. The data captured included high-resolution photos of the ground allowing project staff to view small details otherwise not visible using Google Maps.
The digital canopy model creates a map of tree heights that can minimize infrastructure in heavily timbered areas. The surveys captured the project areas and the access route to the project sites along the Glentor Prairie Road.
Windlab will be attending the February meeting of the Hughenden Chamber of Commerce meeting and staff attending will give an update on the Prairie and Wongalee Wind Farms and the approvals process to date. It is expected that Prairie Wind Farm will obtain development approval in mid-2023 and Wongalee will obtain development approval in early 2024.
Windlab will retain its role as Platinum Sponsor for the Hughenden Rugby 7s for the next three years and is pleased to continue to support grass-roots rugby and the local community.
In 2022, Windlab leveraged its connection with shareholder Tattarang to deliver a free rugby clinic to local kids with the stars of the Western Force Super Rugby and Super W teams the evening before the carnival.
Windlab is also pleased to be involved in the Flinders Shire Council’s inaugural Outback Skies Festival as the sponsor of the Dinner under the Stars event on Saturday 29 April.